Post by flamingkillamajig on Jun 22, 2013 12:49:41 GMT -5
Grey Seer (level 4 wizard - skaven spells of ruin and/or plague) -d3 warpstone tokens -foul pendant (5+ ward save) -3 warpstone tokens -dispel scroll =340 points slaves x60 -no command =120 points warlock -wizard level 2 -power stone -2x warpstone tokens =150 points chieftain -BSB -armor of silvered steel =115 points queek =215 points stormvermin x40 -shields -queek's bodyguard -command -razor standard =550 points warp lightning cannon =90 points warp lightning cannon =90 points hellpit abomination =235 points plague monks x34 -command -plague banner plague priest -plague furnace -wizard level 2 -other trickster's shard -additional hand weapon 2,500 points core =670 points rare =415 points heroes =567 points special =293 points lords =555 points ---------------------- I have more here if you wish to read it on dakka dakka. www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/535336.page
Post by Long John Silver on Jun 24, 2013 14:23:40 GMT -5
I'm going to echo what all the dakka folk are asking you; why so many points on characters?
Some guy was saying you can get a skaven warlord with leadership 9, using an item, which would be cheaper than Queek. Generally how does Queek fare in challenges VS other named characters? I mean unless you're doing it for financial reasons, which is understandable, being that models are so expensive these days.
Post by flamingkillamajig on Jun 24, 2013 21:11:04 GMT -5
It was tiring and took 8-9 hours. I did win a game (the 2nd one) where i pretty much destroyed my opponent. I felt kind of bad for him actually. He played Orcs & goblins and during the whole game only one combat looked good for him. Didn't help him i skitterleapt a warlock near his guys and 'cracks called' through and killed both of his orc chariots and quite a few other things causing panic checks in his stone thrower, 2 goblin wolf rider squad and his orc boar boyz (which also got hit and some got killed by the spell). I think some of them failed animosity too. The battle was so harsh for him and deployment kind of screwed him too. I hurt him bad with magic and other things though.
For the first game i faced daemons and my spells went bad esp. with my 'plague' spell backfiring and killing most of my powerful units. Also death frenzy was pretty ruthless on myself. All i can say is that things were ugly and mostly caused by myself. I did manage to kill his unit of daemonettes though. Would've been nice to know if the characteristic tests were allowed or not on his daemonettes before i threw a plague that backfired on me though. All things considered at least his daemon prince died. I made sure that thing was dead early on but it lost its last wound to a miscast. I'm pretty sure it was one of his bigger wizards too.
My 3rd battle was against dark elves. Honestly 13th spell was my only good magic. This time my good spells were mostly on my crappy wizards and my crappy spells were on my good wizard. Would've been nice to know handlers use their initiative. Honestly in hindsight my problems would've probably gone away had i skittlerleapt my warlock if at all possible. The dark elf player had this magic item that caused any double rolled for me to miscast. Which happened multiple times. One of which forcing my warlock to explode a large blast and kill most of queek's stormvermin and the warlock died. I could blame things on luck but that ability really helped him and i'm not used to facing dark elves. The explosion on the stormvermin hurt me a ton because both of us were not commited to sending our forces into the forest because we knew once they were mostly in that it'd negate our ranks and that's deadly for skaven. So we basically waited for the other one to try. The explosion on my stormvermin just destroyed me. Also he made a couple brilliant moves with cavalry and his harpies. His harpies basically flew around my 'random movement' hellpit abomination and forced it off the board and basically prevented it from doing anything all game because it wasn't able to pivot. The move with the harpies was brilliant and i've never seen anything like that before. I did manage to get my grey seer to use 'the 13th spell' twice successfully on his black guard or executioners (they had halberds). The first time it went off but he rolled higher to dispel. The 2nd i rolled high enough and killed all but two of the unit. Sadly this prevented me getting all the points for the destroyed unit. I ended that game with almost no points even though i destroyed quite a bit.
During all this i learned a couple things. I placed slaves in a good way. I learned multiple small units really is a good strategy like some say (it helps to allow you to deploy in better spots with your guys and if used correctly it opens a lot of flanking or redirecting options esp. something that'd hurt frenzied units). I learned magic users are best left in small and disposable units if it isn't a screaming bell or plague furnace in which case you have no choice. Also if that's not possible you should just throw them off on their own. At least that way the enemy won't block their line of sight should the unit get charged and independent characters moving around helps. I also properly baited frenzied units to charges they didn't want to make and forced them into overrunning against my slaves (a unit that only causes panic in other slave units) and getting itself out of position. Also if the frenzied unit didn't charge and another did the other unit might get in the way of his other units. I learned slaves in small groups are insanely useful. I might also start using rat swarms if for nothing else but to cast magic spells through them while being completely ok from charges. Also during the game i charged a unit of savage orc boyz that were frenzied with my plague furnace. Good thing is they couldn't run since they were frenzied and therefore immune to psychology. A good strategy if you don't want an enemy to elect to flee as a reaction. I also managed to shoot his fleeing savage orc boyz till they were below 25% of the original unit starting size so they could only re-group on double 1's which is super unlikely. I didn't want the savage orcs coming back.
So yeah it was a big learning experience, i had fun, i won a game and other than the room being super stuffy and hot it was a good experience. We were all very tired after about 9 hours or so of this though. So much standing and very little food for a 20 dollar sign-up. There was 8 players including myself and the players were 2 daemons of chaos players (though one may have been ogres i think), 2 dark elf players, an empire player, a skaven player (me) and 2 warriors of chaos players. This would make every player except one playing with an evil faction unless one player did have ogres which would've been a neutral faction. Oddly enough evil factions seem to be popular in warhammer fantasy but they seem to be more fun for the most part.
So that was my tournament. Sorry for the wall of text.
Also this list used 3 units of 20 slaves each totaling up to 60 slaves rather than one big unit of slaves. I'm honestly glad i did that now.
Skaven Lord Tailhook
Post by Skaven Lord Tailhook on Mar 4, 2016 14:24:39 GMT -5
100 clan rats 100 skaven slaves 100 giant rats 2 doom wheels 1 hellpit abomination 1 screaming bell 20 plague monks 1 grey seer 4 rat swarms 2 rat ogres 1 skaven slave 1 giant rat =2500 points